

WebinarUsing Community Solar to Cut Energy Burdens in Manufactured Mobile Home Communities.” Berkeley Lab. September 18, 2024. The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) asked for input from the U.S. Department of Energy National Community Solar Partnership on program designs that would link community solar to manufactured home communities, to reduce energy burdens for LMI households. In response, Berkeley Lab proposed combining community solar subscriptions with air-source heat pump installations and managing bill credits to reduce winter heating bills.


WebinarLeveraging Federal Funding for Transmission Technologies and Renewable Energy Integration.” Clean Energy States Alliance. August 22, 2023. The Inflation Reduction Act will dramatically accelerate renewable energy development, and the transmission grid will need substantial upgrades to accommodate the shifting generation portfolio. “Grid Enhancing Technologies,” or GETs, can unlock flexibility and additional capacity on the existing transmission infrastructure, enabling twice as much renewable generation in some regions.

WebinarEnergy Modeling for Decarbonization Planning: Advice and Resources for States.” Clean Energy States Alliance. April 10, 2023. Energy modeling can be a powerful tool for state decarbonization planning, but it can also be costly and the results can be prone to misinterpretation. This CESA webinar provides advice on energy modeling and introduce resources useful to states embarking on decarbonization planning.


WebinarSolving the Grid Connection Problem.” Clean Energy States Alliance. September 28, 2022. An unprecedented number of clean energy projects have applied to connect to the power grid. Even before new incentives provided by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), there were enough renewable energy generators waiting to connect to meet 80% of US demand, if they were all built. This flood of proposed projects has created unprecedented delays, with the average wait time for a permit now exceeding three years. In response, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has opened a rulemaking to revamp the grid connection process. In this Clean Energy States Alliance webinar, a panel of experts discussed the problem and what can be done about it.

WebinarThe Governance of Wholesale Power Markets.” Clean Energy States Alliance. April 12, 2022. Rapid transitions in the power sector are shining a light on how wholesale power markets function, who benefits, and who decides. The advent of cheap wind and solar power has especially disrupted the markets, as new players enter and incumbents seek to preserve the status quo. The move to 100% clean electricity will be helped or hindered by how power markets work. This Clean Energy States Alliance webinar discussed how wholesale markets are governed, how governance affects decisions about market design and operations, how states and others can engage, and what features of governance should be changed.

WebinarIntroduction to Power Markets.” Clean Energy States Alliance. March 11, 2022. To understand how wind and solar will affect power markets, we first have to know how power markets work today. This introductory session is intended for people who have limited or no knowledge of wholesale electricity markets, regional transmission organizations, and locational marginal prices.


Zoom InBerkeley’s Measure HH: Climate Equity Action Fund.” Berkeley Measure HH campaign. October 14, 2020.

WebinarResilient Clean Energy for California.” Vote Solar. February 21, 2020. Paulos presents his report for Vote Solar, “Resilient Clean Energy for California.”


Conference “Western Transmission Summit.” EUCI 2019. February 2019. A conference on Western power markets, where Paulos presented his report written for Next10, “A Regional Power Market for the West: Risks and Benefits.”


Workshop “Solar In Your Community Challenge Training Event.” Department of Energy. March 12, 2018.


WebinarPrinciples and Policies for Low and Moderate Income Solar.” Clean Energy States Alliance. October 6, 2017.

WebinarBringing the Benefits of Solar to Low-Income Customers.” Clean Energy States Alliance. May 18, 2017.


Workshop “Strategies for Low-Income Solar.” Department of Energy. December 12, 2016.

WorkshopSustainable Communities Leadership Academy.” Institute for Sustainable Communities. November 15, 2016.

ConferenceBoston Green Ribbon Commission’s Renewable Energy Leadership Prize.” Renewable Energy Markets 2016. October 17, 2016.

ConferenceThe Future is Now: India.” Institute for Sustainable Communities. June 2016.


Meeting presentation “What can cities do about energy?.” The Funders Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities. December 8, 2015. A talk to funders about strategies that cities can pursue for climate action, based on my book "Empowered."

Meeting presentationBoulder’s Energy Future.” City of Boulder. December 8, 2015.

Learning LabRegulating the Utility of the Future.” National Governors Association. July 27, 2015.


ConferenceGermany’s Transition to Renewables: Gutsy or Foolhardy?.” National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Annual Meeting. November 16, 2014. Narrated presentation available online.

Moderator “Texas & Germany: Energy Twins?.” UT Energy Institute. September 2, 2014.

ConferenceSymposium on Energy and Climate Change.” San Diego World Affairs Council. May 14, 2014.

Lecture “Sustainable Communities Theory and Practice.” Binghamton University. April 10, 2014.


TelevisionDiscussing America's Power Plan.” Platts Energy Week. December 15, 2013.

Summit “State Environmental Leaders Program.” Bainbridge Island. November 23, 2013.

Workshop “Utility Variable Generation Interest Group.” Utility Variable Generation Interest Group. October 29, 2013.